At Wimbledon Day Nursery, we offer a supportive, welcoming, and nurturing atmosphere that embraces diversity. 

We aim to meet the needs of families by offering them a place at our nursery. Schedule a visit with us for a tour and to have your questions answered. Our management team will be available during the visit and via phone or email for follow-up questions. 

We always encourage parents to join our waiting list as soon as possible so we can work towards placing them with us. There is no charge for joining our waiting list as we feel this is unfair unless we can offer you a space. However we do ask that parents keep us updated of any changes to contact details or circumstances to ensure we can effectively manage the waiting list.

When you register with us we will place your child onto our waiting list and work towards your requirements. Our waiting list works on a ‘first come first served basis and we offer any spaces we have available to the family at the front of the list for each age group. If you have more than one child we do offer sibling priority to make family life as easy as possible and ensure you can have all your children in one place.

Across the year we regularly make contact with our waiting list and generally are able to confirm places a term in advance of start dates. To make this possible if we offer places via email or phone and do not receive a reply to our offer within three days we will automatically offer your place to the next person waiting. If you wish to make contact with ourselves regarding the waiting list please email us on 

On accepting a place with ourselves your starter pack including your contract and full terms and conditions will be sent out to you and at this time a holding deposit will be payable equivalent to one month’s fees. In your starter pack details of your child’s key person will be included. We always offer a key person to assist with the settling process so both parent and child have a point of contact, however if your child naturally bonds with another adult during the settling process then the key person will be transferable to meet your child’s needs. If your child’s key worker is away from the setting for any reason your child will have a secondary key worker called a buddy that will support your child during their absence.